Full-Stack Designer & Strategist

Hello, I’m Yinnette. I don’t just design
digital experiences, I redefine them.

I merge creativity with strategy to deliver UX research and design that transforms your digital ecosystem. Let me guide you through a digital transformation and elevate your user experience to new heights.

about me

Experience In User Research & Design Strategy​

Years of experience in facilitating UX research, developing product strategies, and successfully releasing 50+ projects, including full-scale apps, service solutions, B2C solutions, and involvement in 10+ startups.

Multi-verse Variants include:

  • Director of UX
  • User Experience(UX) Manager
  • UX Design Lead
  • Principal Designer
  • Product Design Lead
  • UI/Visual Designer

Case study

Salesguard by Muzes.ai Product Platform Flagship Application

Explore the unique challenges and successes of Muzes’ SalesGuard app and it’s AI-assisted questionnaire builder, which redefine industry standards.


In Search of Missing Features and Uncovering The Sneaky Side of UX

We all wonder why are some super-useful app features missing? It's often a strategic choice to increase engagement and ad revenue.


Virtuoso Of Everything and Pleasantly Usable

Ever wonder why some must-have features, like Search History in ChatGPT, are missing in free versions of apps? It’s often a strategic tease! These key features are sometimes held back to make premium subscriptions more tempting, turning them into exclusive perks for paying members.

My toolbox

Equipped with Well-Known Industry Standards

My clients

Clients I Had The Opportunity To Work With!

Let's Connect

Let's Work Together to Transform Your Product!

Are you looking to elevate your product’s user experience to unparalleled heights? Whether you’re seeking to refine your existing product or embark on creating something entirely new, my expertise in user research, interaction design, and strategic planning can guide your project to success. Let’s collaborate to create meaningful and impactful user experiences that resonate with your audience and set your company apart.

Ready to transform your user experience? Let’s discuss how we can achieve remarkable results together. Reach out to me today, and let’s set the foundation for your product’s success.